This song has left a deep impression in me. Utada Hikaru’s song often has a growing effect on me. Its really meaningful if you really watched the show.
Arigatou to kimi ni iwareru to nandaka setsunai | ありがとう、と君 ( きみ )に言 ( い )われるとなんだかせつない |
sayounara no ato no tokenu mahou awaku horonigai | さようならの後 ( あと )も解 ( と )けぬ魔法 ( まほう ) 淡 ( あわ )くほろ苦 ( にが )い |
The flavor of life | The flavor of life |
tomodachi demo koibito demo nai chuukan chiten de | 友達 ( ともだち )でも恋人 ( こいびと )でもない中間地点 ( ちゅうかんちてん )で |
shuukaku no hi wo yumemiteru aoi furu-tsu | 収穫 ( しゅうかく )の日 ( ひ )を夢見 ( ゆめみ )てる 青 ( あお )いフルーツ |
ato ippo ga fumidasenai sei de | あと一歩 ( いっぽ )が踏 ( ふ )み出 ( だ )せないせいで |
jirettai no wa nande? | じれったいのなんのってbaby |
arigatou to kimi ni iwareru to nandaka setsunai | ありがとう、と君 ( きみ )に言 ( い )われると |
sayounara no ato no tokenu mahou awaku horonigai | さようならの後 ( あと )も解 ( と )けぬ魔法 ( まほう )淡 ( あわ )くほろ苦 ( にが )い |
The flavor of life | The flavor of life |
amai dake no sasoi monku ajike no nai doku | 甘 ( あま )いだけの誘 ( さそ )い文句 ( もんく )味 ( あじ )っけの無 ( な )いトーク |
sonna mono ni wa kyoumi wa sosorarenai | そんなものには興味 ( きょうみ )をそそられない |
omoitoori ni ikanai toki datte | 思 ( おも )い通 ( どお )りにいかない時 ( とき )だって |
jinsei suteta mon janai tte | 人生捨 ( じんせいす )てたもんじゃないって |
doushita no? to kyuu ni kikareru to "uun. nandemo nai" | どうしたの?と急 ( きゅう )に聞 ( き )かれるとううん、なんでもない |
sayounara no ato ni kieru egao watashi rashikunai | さようならの後に消 ( き )える笑顔 ( えがお )私 ( わたし )らしくない |
sinjitai to negaeba negau hodo nandaka setsunai | 信 ( しん )じたいと願 ( ねが )えば願うほどなんだかせつない |
"aishiteru yo" yori mo "daisuki" no hou ga kimi rashii janai? | 「愛 ( あい )してるよ」よりも「大好 ( だいす )き」の方 ( ほう )が君らしいんじゃない? |
The flavor of life | The flavor of life |
wasurekakete ita hito no omoi wo totsuzen omoidasu koro | 忘 ( わす )れかけていた人 ( ひと )の香 ( かお )りを 突然思 ( とつぜんおも )い出 ( だ )す頃 ( ころ ) |
furitsumoru yuki no shirosa wo omou to sunao ni yorokobitai yo | 降 ( ふ )りつもる雪 ( ゆき )の白 ( しろ )さをもっと 素直 ( すなお )に喜 ( よろこ )びたいよ |
daiyamondo yorimo yawarakakute atatakana mirai | ダイアモンドよりもやわらかくてあたたかな未来 ( みらい ) 手 ( て )にしたいよ |
teni shitai yo kagiri aru jikan wo kimi to sugoshitai | 手 ( て )にしたいよ限 ( かぎ )りある時間 ( じかん )を 君と過 ( す )ごしたい |
"arigatou" to kimi ni iwareru to nandaka setsunai | ありがとう、と君 ( きみ )に言 ( い )われると |
sayounara no ato no tokenu mahou awaku horonigai | さようならの後 ( あと )も解 ( と )けぬ魔法 ( まほう )淡 ( あわ )くほろ苦 ( にが )い |
The flavor of life | The flavor of life |
When you say thank you to me,
for some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn’t
get undone even after the good bye.
a hint of bitterness.
The flavor of life
Stuck midpoint between friends and lovers,
like an un-riped fruit dreaming about the day of harvest
because of being unable to just move one more step forward
what’s causing this frustration baby
When you say thank you to me,
for some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesn’t
get undone even after the good bye.
a hint of bitterness
The flavor of life
Sweet talk and tasteless conversations.
it sparks no interest in me
even when things do not go the way you want
it doesnt mean you’ve thrown your life away
When asked ‘ whats wrong?’
I answer ‘its nothing’
The smile that disappears after goodbye
It’s unlike me
The more i wish to believe in you,
For some reason it hurts even more
‘i like you a lot’ instead of ‘i love you’ sounds more like you
the flavor of life
the period when you suddenly remember the scent of someone you had almost forgotten
I want to be able to openly and honestly cherish the white purity of the falling snow more
A future tender and warmer than a diamond
i want to grasp it, in this limited time we have, i want to spend it with you
when you say thank you to me,
for some reason it hurts,
Like a magic spell that doesnt
get undone even after the good bye.
a hint of bitterness
The flavor of life