Tuesday 10 May 2011

Treating Burns

One hopes never to be in need of using it, but just in case:...
This is a simple but effective way to treat burns with the help of egg white.
This method is used in the training of firemen.
When sustaining a burn, regardless the degree, the first aid is always placing the injured part under running cold water till the heat subsides.
And next spread the egg white over the injury.
Someone burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. Despite the pain she held her hand under running water, then took two eggs, parted the yolk from the egg white and slightly beat the egg white and put her hand in it. Her hand was so badly burned that the egg white dried and formed a white film. Later she heard that the egg is a natural collagen.
And during the next hour layer upon layer, she administered a white layer on her hand.
While the egg white is still wet you will feel no pain from the burn. As soon as it dries up the pain comes back so reapplication is necessary. This method not only alleviates the pain it actually heals and prevents scarring from the burn.
That afternoon she didn't feel any more pain and the next day there hardly was a red mark to see. She thought she would have an awful scar but to her astonishment after ten days there was no sign of the burn, the skin had its normal color again!
The burned area had been totally regenerated thanks to the collagen, in reality a placenta full of vitamins.
Alternatives : Aloe Vera is also good for treating burns. Cut some fresh aloe Vera leaves and put it on the burnt area. Once the wound starts healing, break a capsule of vitamin E and pour the liquid on it. This will prevent scarring.
The first and foremost thing that is required to be done after burn is to pour lots of chilled water on the burn affected area for about half an hour.

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