Friday, 9 May 2008

Back From Golden Week

5th May 2008, Tuesday

The day before was a holiday and this day was a back to work day.. One of the most lovely things about going back to office after a holiday is that there is alot of goodies from all over Japana and even the world!! Colleagues who travelled to different parts of Japan or other countries would buy a little something back and you would see the snack table in the office stocked up like Christmas stockings.. After a long day of preparation for my presentation, I met Hiromi-chan for a meal.. Apparently Tat-chan was invited, so we had to wait for him to finish his over time.. We walked around the region of Hondori.. And I saw this ultra cute dog wearing specs and a captain's hat, riding a little mobile car telling everyone no drunk driving alot.. Haha...

After that, we went to Sogo for a walk and to wait for Tat-chan too.. We each got a mochi cream and Hiromi-chan treated me!! :) Touched**

After alot of chatting with Hiromi-chan, Tat-chan finally came.. So we went to Lark's, a restaurant in the outskirts of the city.. I ordered a rare cheesecake.. Wasn't very special in my opinion.. Not rich enough.. Haha..Sweet Hiromi-chan packed some of the souvenirs her colleagues shared at office and gave me!! Ain't that sweet and thoughtful? Look at this:

7th May 2008:

It was Sakata-san's English lesson again! Today's lesson was at Ajisen Ramen.. It was so disappointing I didn't post the entry.. I think Singapore's Ajisen Ramen is better... But on the way there, I found this chair with publicity scrolls on it.. Sitting there unattended.. The signboard says Air Wave.. So pple interested in hair and make up will just grab the scroll to check out wad offers there are.. Its amazing how no one takes the basket or the chair away..

8th May 2008: Mister Donuts!!

Mister Donuts!!! With flavours so different from our typical ones in Singapore.. The have donuts of different doughs, Strawberry milk chocolate donuts with bits of strawberry in the coating.. The shape is special too.. All thanks to the treat from the Finance team!!

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